Tag Archives: Bhuvanendra

Madhva Navami pravachana of Samyamindra Tirtha

Below is translation of the pravachana of Sri Samyamindra Tirtha rendered on 16 Feb 2016, at Bangalore Kashi Math, on the day of Madhva navami.
[I have provided references at places possible in brackets, translations mistakes are all mine – Girish Prabhu]
We are Maadhvas!
Today is a great day for all of us. We are Madhvas and today is Madhva navami.
“Madhva sambandhinaH MaadhvaaH”. We follow Maadhva siddhanta.
“ante siddhastu siddhantaH” – this is the final philosophy. After this there has been nothing that has been made ‘siddha’. This is the ultimate philosophy, the concluding one. [ From Yukti Mallika of Sri Vadiraja ]
“anusrutya gacchanti iti anuyaayinah” “yaati iti anuyayina” “yaa gatou”
Since we follow Madhvacharya, we are His anuyayis. Our first guru is Madhva. Our parampara is Maadhva parampara. Continue reading Madhva Navami pravachana of Samyamindra Tirtha