Sudha Mangalotsava of Shishya Swami of Sri Kashi Math Samsthan, H.H. Srimad Samyamindra Teertha Swamiji, was celebrated in a grand manner and with great enthusiasm by the members of the Gowda Saraswat Community at Bangalore Shri Kashi Math on Madhwa Navami day on Sunday 24th January 2010.
There are certain epoch making and memorable events in the annals of a community or institution, which not only leaves an indelible impression in the minds of the participants, but also serves to perpetually strengthen the institution. Sudha Mangalotsava is one such event, for it signifies that the person for whom the function is held, has formally completed the rigorous drill and training needed to imbibe the tenets of Vedas and of Sri Madhwacharya’s philosophy, called tattvavada which he propagated in the 12th century and to which Sri Kashi Math Samsthan and its followers subscribe to. Sri Madhwa is believed to be the incarnation of Vayudeva in Kaliyuga. The earlier incarnations of Vaydeva are as Hanuman in Treta and as Bhima in Dwapara.
All the preceding Swamijis of Sri Kashi Math Samsthan lineage have duly undergone this rigorous training and observed Sudha Mangalotsava and the last to do the same was the present mathadipathi of Sri Kashi Math Samsthan H.H. Sri Sudhindra Teertha Swamiji in Buntwal during 1955. The observance, fifty-five years later of Sudha Mangalostava by the Shishya Swamiji is a matter of great reassurance and comfort to the members of the community.
A few words on the significance of Sudha: Bhagavan, Vedavyasa as is well know, codified the sacred and divine knowledge going by the term Veda into four streams Viz., Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva at a time when there was real danger of that knowledge being completely lost. As the codified Vedas were incomprehensible even to the learned, He wrote the Brahma Sutras which are formulae to understand the Vedic hymns.
There are four chapters of the Brahman Sutras, each chapter being divided into four quarters. In all there are 564 sutras in the four chapters. Sri Madhwacharya has writer four Vyakhyanas or commentaries on the Brahma Sutras viz., (1) Brahmasutra Bhashya, (2) Anubhasya, (3) Nyayavivarana and (4) Anuvyakhyana, each eluicidating, expounding and explaining the Brahman Sutras by amplifying the terse write-up of Bhagvan Vedavyasa. Sri Jayatheertha a renowned scholar in Sri Madhwa’s lineage has written a commentary of Sri Madhwa’s Anyvyakhyana. This work known originally as Vishama Vakhyartha Vivruthi is more popularly known as Sriman Nyayasudha which is a famous and oft quoted work. This analyses in great details the intricacies of Anuvyakhyana and explains and reconciles precepts in line with the Tattvavada of Sri Madhwa. Interrelations of Paramatma, Prakruti and Jeeva are put in proper perspective without any confusion and inconsistencies found in the teachings of other Acharyas. The values of various systems of modern philosophy are stated and critically examined and reviewed. The work brings out Sri Jayatheertha’s proficiency in scriptures and eloquence in Sanskrit apart from his expertise in debate and logic. Clarity, precision and insightfulness constitute the special features of his style. Sri Jayatheertha is the major commentator on the works of Sri Madhwacharya and he became popular and was known as Teekacharya. The study of Sriman Nyayasudha is regarded as the ultimate in the study of Madhwa philosophy.
Although the Sudha study was undergone by the Shishya Swamiji, Srimad Samyamindra Teertha in Bangalore, the final instruction in this regard was formally imparted to him by Guru Srimad Sudhindra Teertha in Buntwal on 10th Dec 2009.
After the final instruction, Srimad Sudhindra Teertha instructed the Shishya to observe the Sudha Mangalotsava in Bangalore on Madhwa Navami day which fell on Sunday, 24th January. Sudha Mangalotsava symbolizes the thanksgiving and invoking gratitude to Sri Hari Guru by the Shishya for enabling the receipt of the sacred knowledge contained in the Sudha.
The programme actually commenced the previous day Viz., Saturday, 23rd January. At 6 p.m. on that day the teachers who had imparted the lessons, Viz., Shri Keshava Bairi and Dr. Ramcharya Mhalgi gave a discourse on Srimannyayasudha, its significance and outline of contents. They expressed gratitude to the Lord for this golden opportunity to impart such divine sacred knowledge to a Swamiji of Sri Kashi Math Samsthan. They commended and extolled the grasping intellectual capacity of the Shishya Swamiji. The teachers were duly honored on the occasion by the Swamiji.
On the next day i.e., Sunday, 24th there was a drama play with costumes on Sri Sumdhwa Vijaya depicting a few episodes during the childhood and adult life of Sri. Madhwacharya. The drama, played out on the instructions of Shishya Swamiji, was directed by Shri P.R. Nayak, of Rasika Arts, a member of our Samaj. All the characters depicted in the play, which was in Konkani were from our Samaj. The drama was conducted in the august presence of Shihsya Swamiji Srimad Samyamindra Teertha and was appreciated and applauded by all.
A picture is worth a thousand words, says a Chinese proverb. The drama brought home to the audience instantly, some of the significant events in the life of Sri Madhwa as well as precepts propounded by him. The drama was played between 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Every year Madhvanavami is observed in Bangalore Kashi Math and this year’s was a special treat not only because of the drama but also because of Sudha Mangalotsava, which is a once in life time event.
Following the drama, there was a mahasabha in the august presence of Shri Swamiji, which more than 1000 people from all over India attended. All the three teachers who had imparted lessons to Shishya Swamiji viz., Shri Keshava Bairi, Dr. Ramachar G. Mhalgi and Shri Satyanarayana Acharya were present on the occasion.
A special message in Sanskrit verse sent by mathadhipathi Srimad Sudhindra Teertha Swamiji to Shishya Swamiji, on this occasion, was read out to the assembly by Vedamurty Sri. M. Narasimha Acharya.
Shri. K.Narayana Shenoy, Secretary of Bangalore Shri Kashi Math Vyavasthapaka Samithi welcomed and gave a brief introduction to the programme. Dr. P. Dayananda Pai, President of the Bangalore Sri Kashi Math Vyavasthapaka Samithi in his speech dwelt on the God given good fortune of the Bangalore Sri Kashi Math and GSB Samaj to have had the opportunity of Shishya Swamiji’s stay for studying for over 2 years and 10 months. The entire Samaj will carry sweet memories of Shishya Swamiji’s stay and enthusiastic participation in all the religious functions at the Math including the monthly Satyanarayana pooja. Members, he said would be missing hereafter the electrifying presence of Shishya Swamiji at the Math functions and extended on his own behalf as well as on behalf of all Samaj members, sincere prayers for the future well being of Shishya Swamiji. He also said that the members of Bangalore Sri Kashi Math would continue to extend every possible help and co-operation in all the activities of the Samasthan. He requested the Shishya Swamiji to bless the assembly. H.H. Srimad Samyamindra Teertha Swamiji in his Ashirvachana, dwelt in great detail on the contents of the nearly 3 year long study in Bangalore culminating in the Sudha Mangalotsava. His Holiness particularly thanked Lord Parthasarathy, the presiding deity in the Bangalore Sri Kashi Math, installed by his Guru Srimad Sudhindra Teertha Swamiji. Temples to Parthasarathy are very rare generally and particularly in GSB community and this rare gesture by Srimad Sudhindra Teertha of installing Parthasarathy idol by our Guru, expresses in very clear terms, the wish that our community must imbibe the sacred knowledge of Bhagavad-Gita propounded by Sri Parthasarathy. Prior to his coming to Bangalore for study in April 2007, he also had training for various durations right from the time of taking initiation in 2002, at Haridwar, Mumbai and Ambalmedu. He said that in the successful conclusion of our studies, our Guru and Bhagavan Sri Parthasarathy have played the stellar role. He also thanked the teachers and all members of the community who played their part during his stay here. He concluded by blessing all the people and their families.
As a part of the Sudha Mangalotsava a Mahavishnu havana was held from 25th to 30th January, with over 90 vaidiks of our community from all parts of the country taking part in the japa, parayana and other anustaanas. There was samaradhana on all the days. In the evening every day, a discourse on Udyoga parva and Viraata parava of Mahabharata was delivered by Vedmaurthy Sri Srikanth Bhat. The discourses were well attended.
The Mahavishnu havana itself was held on 28th, 29th and 30th. The Laghu Poornahuti was held on 28th and 29th and the maha poornahuti on Saturday the 30th January by the divine hands of H.H. Samyamindra Teertha Swamiji.
In conclusion one can safely declare that from 23rd January to 30th January 2010 there was a thoroughly festive and divine sanctified atmosphere in the Bangalore Sri Kashi Math, the like of which we have not witnessed so far. There was wide variety in the types of programmers such as havans, poojas, lectures, dramas, bhajans and to top it all the Ashirvachana of revered Shishya Swamiji Srimad Samyamindra Teertha Swamiji, who concluded his historical stay in Bangalore and left later for Bantwal on 3rd February 2010.